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Request a Worker's Comp Quote

Click here for a printable version to mail or fax us (Otherwise, proceed below to submit an online form to our e-mail).

Items marked with * important to fill out but not required. Please fill in as much of the online form as you can.

What is your experience modification percentage? If any.

What classifications (4 digit) are used and what is estimated annual payroll for these classifications?

Classification Annual Payroll

Classification Annual Payroll

Classification Annual Payroll

Classification Annual payroll

*Contact person?

*Phone number?

Fax number ?

Cell number ?

*What is your e-mail address ?
Please fax 2 or 3 months or quarters of your last billing statements from your workman's comp carrier.
Who is your current work comp carrier?
If you do not have prior insurance, how many years of experience do you have

What is your federal I D number?
...or Social Security Number

What is your contractor license number?

Upon clicking "SUBMIT" This form E-MAILS us. If you want to print it and mail it, fax it, or bring it in, just print it after filling it in, and don't submit to our e-mail.



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© Copyright 2010 Contractors Insurance Specialists. Lana Kackstetter, Commercial Account and Employee Benefits Specialist
Arizona Lic #945273* | 925331* | Nevada Lic #636506* | Privacy Policy | Website by Eloquence